How Is Using .tech Domains to Make Computer Science Accessible for All and .tech domains support computer science being taught in classrooms around the world. Without computer science and coding know-how, a lot of the Internet that we use today would cease to exist. 

Yet, despite that, 73% of the world’s countries are only piloting computer science in school or doing nothing at all. In the US alone, only 47% of public schools teach a computer science class. 

We believe that computer science is foundational for students everywhere. This is why has partnered with .tech Domains to help expand access to computer science in schools, especially for young women and students from marginalized communities.  

You can be a part of this cause, too!

<br><br>Circle graphs showing 90% of parents want their kids to take computer science but only 47% of high schools have courses for them.
Comparing percentage of new computing jobs in STEM vs STEM bachelors degrees in computer science reveals large a discrepancy.
Bar graph displaying student interest in school subjects shows "Computer Science and Engineering" ranks as third most popular.
Women and Black and Latinx students who study AP Computer Science in high school are 10 and 7 times more likely to major in it, respectively.
Computer Science should be foundational in schools.
Computer Science majors can earn 40% more than the college average.
Computing jobs are the #1 source of new wages in the U.S. and there are 400,000 current openings in 2021.
Computer Science helps students perform better in other subjects, excel at problem solving and are 17% more likely to attend college.
Students who take AP Computer Science Principles or AP Computer Science are 12% and 17% more likely to attend college.

If you register a .tech Domain between 5th May to 5th July, .tech Domains and will donate all the proceeds to, one of the world’s largest non-profit organizations that is working to increase access to computer science in schools.

Help support the cause and grab your .tech Domain today.

Help support’s mission in making computer science accessible to all.

Purchase a .tech domain

Significance of’s mission is to make computer science education accessible to young women and students from marginalised communities. They strive to ensure that every student in every school has the opportunity to learn computer science as part of their core K-12 education.

They focus on free curriculum and course content for schools, Hour of Code events, teacher training, looking at government policies, and developing international partnerships. You can learn more about their charitable organization here

How .tech domains and you can help increase access to computer science. 

Almost everything that we do today is powered by technology and computer science is at the heart of it. Giving students equal access to computer science engenders a more advanced and inclusive future for the world tomorrow.

The .tech domain extension stands for innovation, whether you’re building a startup, coding a new app, or shaping an innovative idea.

You can use your .tech Domain name to:

  • Grow your tech business or a startup
  • Share exciting information about the tech industry
  • Build bustling communities to discuss robotics
  • Write a blog to share the latest industry news
  • Host hackathon events

With a .tech Domain, you can build a unique space for your content whatever part of the tech world you’re in. Use a keyword-rich domain name to build a tech brand, work collaboratively, or educate the world like

Register your .tech Domain today to help young women and students from marginalized communities get access to computer science.

Help marginalized communities get access to Computer Science.

Purchase a .tech domain

Alisha Shibli
Alisha Shibli

Alisha is a Senior Content Marketing & Communication Specialist at Radix, the registry behind some of the most successful new domain extensions, including .store and .tech. You can connect with her on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Alisha Shibli
Alisha Shibli

Alisha is a Senior Content Marketing & Communication Specialist at Radix, the registry behind some of the most successful new domain extensions, including .store and .tech. You can connect with her on LinkedIn and Twitter.