
Knowledge Base

Account: How to Change or Reset Your Account Password

Please note that only the admin or primary account user can change the account's information, such as the user ID and password. For more information, please visit User Roles in New Account Manager.

How to Reset your Account Manager Password

If you forgot your password for your Account Manager, you can do a password reset.

Important: Make sure you can access the primary email associated with your account. This process will NOT work if your admin email address is incorrect or you do not have access to it.
  1. Go to your Account Manager login page.
  2. On the login page, enter your user ID, which is your primary email address, then click on Next.

    Account Manager - Enter User ID

  3. Click the Forgot Password? link.

    Account Manager - Forgot Password link

  4. Enter your user ID and do the CAPTCHA.

    Account Manager - Reset Password

  5. Click Next.
  6. A password reset link will be sent to your primary email address. Please check your email.

    Check Password Reset Link

  7. Enter your verification code and then click the Submit button.

    Reset Password - Enter Verification Code

If you need help in creating a secure password, please see the Password Requirements section below.

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How to Retrieve User ID

  1. Go to your Account Manager login page.
  2. Click the Forgot User ID link.

    Forgot User ID link

  3. Enter your primary email address, do the CAPTCHA, and then click on Next.

    Enter User ID

  4. A User ID recovery link will be sent to your email address. Please check your email.

    Check User ID recovery email

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How to Change your Account Manager User ID or Password

If you know your Account Manager User ID or password, but would like to change it, you can do it on your My Profile page.

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. Click your profile icon in the top-right corner.
  3. Select My Profile.

    Account Manager - My Profile

  4. Under the Security section:
    • Click the Change link beside User ID if you want to change your account's User ID.

      Change User ID

    • Click the Change link beside Password if you want to change your account's password.

      Change Password

  5. A pop-up window will appear, requesting that you enter your new User ID or Password.

    Enter your new User ID:

    Enter new User ID

    Enter current and new passwords:

    Enter new password

  6. Once done, click Save.

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No access to Administrative Email

In the event that you do not have any access to your Administrative email and cannot recover it, you can still recover the account by following the Ownership process on this page. If you are the administrator for the account, please determine the type of account for which you are requesting information.

If you are requesting access/information for:

A Business Account

Please see this page with the requirements for proof of ownership of a business account. The following will be required.

  • Business license
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • A 501(c)(3) letter from the IRS
  • Any other government-issued documentation of business ownership.
  • Updated email address to be contacted at.

If you've tried these steps and are still having trouble logging in, contact us.

A Personal Account

Please see this page with the requirements for proof of ownership of a personal account. The following will be required.

  • Government-issued driver's license or identification card showing the customer's name and address.
  • Updated email address to be contacted at.

If you've tried these steps and are still having trouble logging in, contact us.

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Password Requirements

Strong Very Secure
6 Total Characters
2 Numbers
1 Special Character
1 Uppercase Letter
1 Lowercase Letter
8 Total Characters
2 Numbers
2 Special Characters
1 Uppercase Letter
1 Lowercase Lette

Additional Requirements:

  • When changing your account password, the new password must meet the Strong or Very Secure minimum requirements.
  • 45 maximum total characters allowed.
  • It must be different from your account's username.
  • When changing your account password, the new password cannot match the last three passwords used on the account.
  • Your browser must allow cookies on our website (this is already enabled by default).
Important: If you are still having an issue, please contact our phone or chat support.

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Password FAQs


What is a special character?

A special character is described as a punctuation symbol or other non-alphanumeric character. For example:

  • ! Exclamation Mark
  • @ Commercial At
  • # Number Sign
  • $ Dollar Sign
  • % Percent Sign
  • ^ Circumflex
  • & Ampersand
  • * Asterisk
  • ? Question Mark
  • _ Underscore
  • ~ Tilde
  • , Comma
  • . Period
  • / Forward Slash
  • <    Less-Than Sign
  • > Greater-Than
  • - Hyphen, Minus
  • = Equals Sign
  • + Plus Sign
  • ( Left Parenthesis
  • ) Right Parenthesis
  • ] Right Square Bracket
  • { Left Curly Bracket
  • } Right Curly Bracket
  • ; Semi-Colon
  • \Back Slash
  • ' Quotation Mark
  • ' Apostrophe


How can I create a secure password?

Social Engineering app icon and Brute Force app icon are popular ways for hackers to gain access to your account. Here are additional guidelines to help make your password even more secure:

  • Use a longer password. Longer passwords are generally more secure than shorter passwords.
  • Mix, match, and replace letters for numbers or special characters (such as using '@' for 'a').
  • Avoid commonly used passwords and password variations (such as 'password12!' or 'admin123!').
  • Avoid using passwords that match well-known information about yourself (such as your last name).
  • Make your password memorable so that you do not have to save it in your browser. Anyone with direct access to your computer can locate your saved passwords.
Important: We also recommend that you create a secure password for your administrative email address.


How can I make my secure password easier to remember? 

Recording your password anywhere (such as writing it down on a piece of paper, typing it into a text file on your computer, or saving it to your computer browser) can increase the risk of your password becoming compromised. Creating a memorable password can help increase its security because you will not need to record it anywhere. Here are some ideas you can use to make your secure password more memorable:

  • Consider using an entire phrase for your password (example: 'TheChickenCame-1st').
  • Consider trading out regular letters for special characters (For example: 'Th33ggC@m3F1rst').
  • Consider logging in to your Account Manager regularly.


How do I change my password if I can’t log in?

You can trigger a password reset from the login screen. If you are experiencing any issues receiving the password reset email or are otherwise unable to log in, please contact us for help.


Why am I constantly having to reset a new password?

If you are constantly forced to change your password each time you log in, please contact us.


Why am I unable to log in to my account?

Most likely, you may be using incorrect login credentials. Double-check to make sure you are using the correct user ID and password, and see if your caps lock was turned on by accident. Please see the Account: Unable to Log In article for more information.

Important: More than six failed login attempts within five minutes will lock your account for three hours. Please contact us to unlock your account.


What do I do if I don't receive the password reset email?

If you are having difficulty receiving the Password Reset Email, please review the following suggestions:

  • Double-check to make sure you are using the correct spelling of the user name (or domain name).
  • Ensure the caps lock is turned off.
  • Check to see if it was received in your Spam/Junk folder.
  • If you have any business associates who administer the account, be sure to check with them to see if they have received the email.
  • If you've tried these steps and are still having trouble logging in, contact us.

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